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A flyer for the rally against hate speech on January 13, 2023

Update on Ainu rights advocacy events in Hokkaido

Tomorrow, Saturday, January 13, 2024, there will be a rally at the Kaderu Building in Sapporo to protest hate speech against Ainu and Koreans. If any AinuToday readers are located in Sapporo, come out and show your support!

Additionally, the final hearing for the Raporo Ainu Nation’s lawsuit against the governments of Japan and Hokkaido in pursuit of the recognition of their right to fish for salmon in the river is set for February 1, 2024 at 2pm at the Sapporo District Court. The hearing is open to the public, but due to increased COVID prevention measures, it is recommended to arrive 30 minutes early to ensure there is space to enter the courtroom.

AinuToday member Michael J. Ioannides attended the previous hearing, which was held on October 19, 2023. At that hearing, the Court heard some powerful testimony from an Ainu cultural expert on the importance of salmon fishing for Ainu livelihoods, culture, and spirituality. The government’s side did not ask any questions of the witness.

Above: Screen capture from NHK news coverage of the Raporo Ainu Nation’s court hearing on October 19, 2023. AinuToday member Michael is seated in the 2nd row, to the right of the aisle.